2022-23 Course Catalog

ENG2000 Early American Literature

This course is one of two courses comprising a selected survey of American literature. In this course we will focus on the literature of British-influenced North America written in English during the 1700s and 1800s. The time period will be roughly 1600-1860. We will explore the invention and formation of "American-ness" and "American literature" during this time of change during the development of the United States as an early nation, examining some of the fundamental ideas, myths, assumptions, intellectual concepts, and popular perceptions that still influence the ways in which Americans think about themselves. Some of the authors that may be included are as follows: Anne Bradstreet, Ben Franklin, Thoreau, Emerson, Poe, Washington Irving, Hawthorne, Melville, and Longfellow. 3 Cr Hrs. Course Requirement(s): None.



